Valentines Day maths

Have fun together with valentine paper hearts and your child won't even realise that they are practising the four times tables! Brilliant

paper folded in quarters with heart shape for 4 times tables activity
 4 paper hearts 4 times tables activity
4x2 paper hearts for 4 times tables activity
4x3 paper hearts for 4 times tables activity
4x4 paper hearts for 4 times tables activity

Happy Valentines Day! Fold some paper in half, in half again, in half again. Cut out a heart shape. Ask "How many hearts?" Explore the four times table by replacing the folded hearts back inside one another and cutting again close to your original cut, again and again...2x4, 3x4...Try folding paper in different ways and predicting how many hearts you will have before unfolding.

Extend the learning to talk about division with some outdoor fun

Go on a nature hunt and collect lots of sticks, sort them straight/not straight.

outdoor maths sticks sorted into straight not straight for division by four activity

Take turns to grab a handful of straight sticks.

handful of outdoor maths sticks for division by four activity

Count how many.

outdoor maths sticks lined up to count for division by four activity

Lay the sticks out to make as many four sided shapes (quadrilaterals)as you can.

quadrilaterals made with sticks for division by four activity

★ Pass it on ★On your turn count the sticks in your handful and predict how many quadrilaterals you will be able to make.For example say,"twenty five sticks, I remember that six times four is twenty four so I think twenty five sticks will make six quadrilaterals and I'll have one stick left over." Ask "How many quadrilaterals will your handful make?"
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